$4.00 USD

Assent & Consent- Analyzing Assent and Taking DATA

For only $4, you can snag an Ethics CEU for this training!

Help support the Behaviorist Bookclub by snagging this cheap CEU! Your support means the world, and it lets me create more and more trainings like this one!


Assent and consent as a topic of interest in behavior analysis has recently come back into the forefront of research due to articles such as Morris et al., 2021, which reviewed various ways applied research has and has not missed the mark on ensuring assent and consent was present for the participants. At the same time, pushes from the Autistic community as well as other leaders in the field has begun to ensure that assent and consent is considered and honored throughout the practitioner field. This training will break down what assent and consent are, explain the reason why they are necessary, and then provide three different practical ways to continually assess and ensure assent and consent are present throughout programming. This training is meant to bridge the gap between theory and practice, with the ultimate goal of giving each attendee the tools necessary to create interventions with assent and consent at the center. 

Learning Objectives: 

  1. Participants will be able to describe the difference between assent and consent, as well as the historical barriers associated with acquiring/tracking assent and consent within our field.
  2. Participants will be able to describe vocal and verbal behavior that indicates assent and consent.
  3. Participants will be able to describe how to arrange the concurrent chains arrangement to continually ensure assent and consent throughout the intervention.
  4. Participants will be able to describe and measure degrees of freedom as well as the basics of nonlinear contingency analysis.
  5. Participants will be able to, using vocal/verbal assent, concurrent chains arrangements, and degrees of freedom, construct interventions in which assent is assured throughout

You can access the CEU by logging into the website, clicking on the Assent and Consent option, then putting in the secret words said in the videos. The CEU link and quiz will be available after 11/18/22. Detailed instructions as well as a video will be emailed out as well.

Participants have 6 months from purchase to watch the videos and access the CEU.

CEU already included in Library Plus Membership