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The use of matrix training to promote generative language with autistic children

practitioner's review Apr 12, 2022

The use of matrix training to promote generative language with children with autism


The acquisition of verbal behavior targets is typically in every single early intervention behavior program. However, the number of targets can be overwhelming, and it would be impractical to teach every single word in a language. Therefore, the end goal for most verbal behavior programs is generative learning, in which new verbal units are acquired naturally and without contrived settings. One of the ways to reach generative learning is through matrix training, which is the combination multiple exemplar training and programming for generalization. By carefully selecting targets along the diagonal of the matrix, the practitioner can teach the least number of targets (thus saving time) and get the max amount of generalization. This was shown in this study by teaching verb noun combos. Every client was able to master the minimal number of targets but demonstrated mastery over the entire matrix.

Research to Practice

The advantage of matrix training cannot be understated. The reality of the situation is that it is impossible to teach and train every single verbal operant possible. Therefore, it is essential to teach for generalization, and the end goal of generative learning. That lofty goal can see unreachable, but in reality, it is possible with some organization and structure. That structure is matrix training. While it may take a little bit for the practitioner to nail down an understanding of, it is well worth the work. By teaching along the diagonal and planning for generalization from the start practitioners can master dozens of untaught targets with minimal effort.

Frampton, S. E., Wymer, S. C., Hansen, B., & Shillingsburg, M. A. (2016). The use of matrix training to promote generative language with children with autism. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 49(4), 869-883.

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