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On the Value of Creativity

blog post Jun 02, 2022

Musings on the value of creativity

Yesterday, I was pondering the value of creativity in a job like this. In this case, lets loosely define creativity as the presentation of a novel environment or set of stimulus conditions. Behavior Analyst's are not artists, any layperson would not call us creative by trade, but the application of applying behavioral principles that work in labs to the ever shifting demands of "real world" demands a LOT of creativity. The answer is not always extinction to FCT to mult schedule fade. It MIGHT be, but it also could be a whole host of other things, and even more than that, the way you apply the principles behind FCT to the natural environment in creative ways is one of the most important aspects of our job.

So, how do you become more creative in your programming? Well, I think it comes down to knowing your options and knowing multiple different solutions to the same problem. One way to develop that clinical experience is by being a clinician for 20 years. Another (potentially more straightforward) way is to read read READ! Reading articles, case studies, even FB posts to learn about things other analysts have done will undoubtably expand your repertoire of creative solutions to unique challenging behavior.

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Thanks for listening!
Matt Harrington, Head Librarian, BCBA

P.S- If you want a much more in depth look at creativity and how it falls in line with a radical behaviorist viewpoint, check out the book Radical Behaviorism for ABA Practitioners by James M. Johnston. It is a GREAT book, one of my favorites and dives into creativity much more in depth!

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