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Ep. 59- Behavioral Skills Training for CPR

show notes Mar 14, 2022

During this podcast, we break down an interesting article from Behavior Analysis in Practice. Aciu et al., 2021 looks at the application of behavioral skills training to CPR. What I found fascinating about this article was the focus on a topic that was outside of our behaviorist bubble, so during this chat we focus on what this article did right, and what could be improved on regarding dissemination efforts.

Aciu, J-L. A.Vladescu, J. C.Marano-Frezza, K. E.Reeve, K. F., & Gravina, N. (2021). Teaching hands-only CPR using behavioral skills trainingBehavioral Interventions36(4), 1– 16

*Correction- I thought that this article was from Behavior Analysis in Practice, but it is from Behavioral Interventions.

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