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Ep. 53- The relationship between behavior function and medication

show notes Feb 21, 2022

Hey there Behaviorists!

Papers like these always excite me, because it really dives into some of the big questions of the field. This study tries to answer the question of, what happens to a behavior function following a medication change? Does the function go away? If a behavior is motivated by escape, did the risperidone get rid of the escape function? Or, just in general, did all behaviors decrease. It is a hard to answer question, with a myriad of consequence depending on the answer. These authors do a solid job of getting us started in this article!

Cox, A. D. & Virues-Ortega, J. (2022). Long-term functional stability of problem behavior exposed to psychotropic medications. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 55(1), 214-229.

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