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Ep.41- JABA in One Take- Call to actions regarding the link between BA and Conversion Therapy

show notes Jan 24, 2022
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Hey there Behaviorists!

Conversion therapy and ABA unfortunately have a past that is intertwined based on the similarities of research lines and methods used. It is important for behavior analysts to be aware of this past, as well as the ongoing issues and topics swirling around this matter. Past a conversation about the harm of the past, however, is a call to future action. Through the following two articles, Conine et al., 2022 and Capriotti & Donaldson, 2022, these authors focus on calls to action and future behaviors that we as a community can take to support and affirm those in the LGBTQ+ community. Conine et al., 2022 focuses less on the conversation around the retraction and expression of concern, and more around specific action steps that both individuals and professional organizations can take. Some of these actions are things such as position statements and encouraging further research representation. It is important to note that the purpose of this article was not to be read, but rather to be acted upon! Behavior analysts everywhere have a role to play in the continued growth of support for this community. Whether that be proudly displaying a diversity statement or following through with promises made in the past, the only way for true change is a grassroots cultural shift in the practitioners of this science.

Conine, D. E., Campau, S. C., & Petronelli, A. K. (2022). LGBTQ+ conversion therapy and applied behavior analysis: A call to action. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 55(1), 6-18.

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