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Ep. 26- JABA in One Take- Utilizing the A-CSA to reduce severe SIB

Dec 15, 2021

JABA in One Take- Show Notes

Wednesday brings us one of my favorite topics to learn about... The reduction of automatically maintained self-injurious behavior. The specific topography of SIB that is being worked on is tracheotomy tube touching and manipulation, which is a severe behavior that leads to repeated emergency medical visits. This paper was done with an emphasis on safety and generalization and utilizes the A-CSA to its fullest potential. Following a successful treatment application, the authors even conducted a component analysis to examine if tube touching was reduced by different parts of the whole package, in an attempt to reduce the overall complexity of the intervention. Severe SIB will always be one of my favorite topics, and the A-CSA will continue to be my most preferred assessment and treatment path to use. 

Citation + DOI:

Falligant, J. M., Hardesty, S. L., Pierce, D. & Kurtz, P. F. (2021). Assessment and treatment of tracheostomy tube manipulation: Effects of competing stimuli and protective equipment. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 54(4), 1625-1638.

Additional Readings:

Hagopian, L. P., Frank-Crawford, M. A., Javed, N., Fisher, A. B., Dillon, C. M., & Rooker, G. W. (2020). Initial outcomes of an augmented competing stimulus assessment. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 53(4), 2172-2185. jaba.725

Rooker, G., Bonner, A., Dillon, C., & Zarcone, J. (2018). Behavioral treatment of automatically reinforced SIB: 1982-2015. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 51(4), 974-997. jaba.492

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