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Ep. 19- JABA in One Take- An beginners look at OBM

show notes Nov 29, 2021

JABA in One Take- Show Notes

This article is written by Dr. Nicole Gravina and colleagues, and is focused on physician and nursing rounding procedures in a hospital setting. As someone who has recently been in the hospital with a pregnant wife, there is nothing more frustrating than waiting hours and hours for rounds that will never come, only to have your concerns brushed aside by doctors who are too busy to worry about the little things. At first glance, this article may not seem applicable to the everyday clinician, but at its core, these authors discuss changing adult behavior using feedback, checklists, and progress graphing. All of these components can be identified by the performance diagnostic checklist and should be applied in the typical clinical setting. 

Citation + DOI:

Gravina, N., Sleiman, A., Southwick, F. S., Matey, N., Harlan, E., Lukose, K., Hack, G., & Radhakrishnan, N. S. (2021). Increasing adherence to a standardized rounding procedure in two hospital in-patient units. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 54(4), 1514-1525.

Additional Readings:

Kelley, D. P., III, & Gravina, N. (2018). A paradigm shift in healthcare: An open door for Organizational Behavior Management. Journal of Organizational Behavior Management, 38(1), 73-89, 01608061.2017.1325824

Southwick, F., Lewis, M., Treloar, D., Cherabuddi, K., Radhakrishnan, N., Leverence, R., Han, X., & Cottler, L. (2014). Applying athletic principles to medical rounds to improve teaching and patient care. Academic Medicine, 89(7), 1018–1023. https://doi. org/10.1097/acm.0000000000000278


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